Category: Guidelines
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From a personal point of view, being an entrepreneur can refer to any idea that a person transforms into a planned and satisfactorily executed activity. If you understand the concept of "being an entrepreneur" as the ability to develop and implement an idea in a planned way, you will realize that all people have the potential to be entrepreneurs. Indeed, people with an entrepreneurial spirit are able to face the challenges and problems of everyday life in a positive way. In its commercial sense, an initiative refers to starting a company that generates economic profits.

These Guidelines will allow you to recognize life's challenges as opportunities, and allow you to turn them into positive outcomes.

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Downloads: 9
(2 votes)
Also available in:Français (France)Italiano
How To Select the right Location

For a successful laser game business, selection of the right location is a critical decisions since it affects the number of monthly entrances and is directly connected to the profitability of your business. In this guideline, we help you to choose the right location for a successful laser game center by answering the following questions:

  • What are the most important aspects to consider to choose the right location for laser game?
  • How to select the right location for your laser game arena?

In this guideline, we help you find the best location for a successful Laser Game.

Created 11-12-2020
Changed 17-12-2020
Version XRAID-EN-101-00
Size 1.08 MB
Downloads 103
(2 votes)
Also available in:Français (France)Italiano
How To choose the right Arena

For a successful laser game business, after selection of the zone and the right location, you need to find an appropriate arena for your Laser game. In this guideline, we help you to choose the right arena for a successful laser game by answering the following questions:

  • What are the most important aspects to consider to choose the right arena for laser game?
  • How to select the right arena for your laser game venue?

In this guideline, we help you choose the right venue for a successful Laser Game.

Created 11-12-2020
Changed 17-12-2020
Version XRAID-EN-102-00
Size 1.56 MB
Downloads 107
pdf2How To allocate spacesXRAID-EN-103-00
(3 votes)
Also available in:Français (France)Italiano
How To allocate spaces

In this guideline, we explain different rooms/areas necessary for your Laser Game center and how to allocate your available space for different purposes to maximize your performance and profit. To do this, we help you to find the answer for the following questions to become a successful laser game:

  • What rooms / areas do I need in my Laser Game center?
  • How much space do I need for each room/area?
  • How to allocate different spaces in my Laser Game center?


Created 16-12-2020
Changed 18-12-2020
Version XRAID-EN-103-00
Size 1.65 MB
Downloads 105
(3 votes)
Also available in:Français (France)Italiano
How To choose the right equipment

For a successful Laser Game business, you need appropriate, high quality and cutting-edge equipment. Choosing the right equipment is an overwhelming decision. In this guideline, we help you to find out the most important aspects of Laser Game equipment and choose the right equipment for your successful Laser Game center by answering the following questions:

  • What are the most important aspects to consider to choose the right Laser Game equipment?
  • How to select the right equipment for your Laser Game?
Created 16-12-2020
Changed 18-12-2020
Version XRAID-EN-104-00
Size 1.77 MB
Downloads 106
(2 votes)
Also available in:Français (France)Italiano
How to choose the right system1

The performance of the Laser Game equipment only can be exploited when you use the right software and reliable system to manage them in the best way. In this guideline, we help you to find out the most important aspects of Laser Game system and choose the right system for your successful Laser Game center by answering the following questions:

  • What are the most important aspects to consider for the right Laser Game system?
  • How to select the right software and system for your Laser Game?
Created 16-12-2020
Changed 18-12-2020
Version XRAID-EN-105-00
Size 1.41 MB
Downloads 107
(2 votes)
Also available in:Français (France)Italiano
How to choose the right supplier

Having the right Laser Game equipment and system is essential, but in order to have a successful Laser Game business, you need to have the right supplier who supports you in different steps of your business. In this guideline we explain different aspects of a good Laser Game supplier to help you to evaluate your future supplier by answering the following questions:

  • What are the most important aspects to evaluate the Laser Game supplier?
  • What are the services you can expect from your supplier?
  • How to select the right supplier for your Laser Game?
Created 16-12-2020
Changed 17-12-2020
Version XRAID-EN-106-00
Size 1.39 MB
Downloads 107
pdf6Revenue potentialXRAID-EN-107-00
(3 votes)
Also available in:Français (France)Italiano
Revenue potential1

For an entrepreneur who is looking for a new business opportunity, starting a new business or expanding its business, the revenue potential of the new business is an important aspect in decision making process. In this guideline we explained different factors to estimate the revenue potential of a Laser Game center.

Created 26-02-2021
Version XRAID-EN-107-00
Size 1.2 MB
Downloads 106
Also available in:Français (France)Italiano
Also available in:Français (France)Italiano